
Friday, September 17, 2021


 In reading we have been learning about hobbies. Our goal is: use prior knowledge to connect to the text, make connections between texts and real life experiences, make connections between texts, make connections between other texts and general knowledge to expand meaning and pose questions. I made a top 10 poster of ten hobbies that I think bring happiness. I hope you enjoy!

Schools Should Have a Dress Code

 In writing we have been learning about persuasive texts. This has been really fun and challenging. I hope you enjoy!

Learning Goal:  

Vary sentence beginnings, structures and length. Write simple and compound sentences (by using conjunctions). Use some complex sentences. Use simple and compound sentences with a variety of beginnings, lengths and structures. Use some complex sentences to create pace, flow and interest. Use linking words and phrases to link some paragraphs. 

Have you ever been sick with kids being mean to your children just because of what they are wearing? Well with a school dress code that will never happen again!

Hi, I'm Xavier and I will be telling you why schools should have  a dress code. I think schools should have a dress code because it helps students not to bring their attention to fancy and expensive clothes. Dress codes in school settings reduce social conflict and peer pressure that may be associated with appearance.

If we don't have a school uniform then kids clothes can get ruined and ripped. If schools didn't have a dress code then parents would be forced to buy their children new clothes every week. But with a school dress code you can just 1 or 2 uniforms. This is beneficial for all the students that can not afford expensive clothing.

Having a dress code has many other benefits such as: It makes everybody look neat and tidy. It makes the school look more professional. It doesn't cost as much money. What is your opinion on a school uniform?

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Kids should be able to play video games.

 Question: Have you ever been bored at home? Well with video games you will never be bored again!

Studies have shown that playing video games regularly may increase gray matter in the brain and boost brain connectivity. (Gray matter is associated with muscle control, memories.)

The positive effects of video games are numerous, from better memory and problem-solving to improved mood and social skills. 

While those who don't play video games may argue that they make you lazy, harm your brain or ruin your social life, video games actually have many physical, and social benefits, such as:

Gamers may have better social skills.

Games can teach you to be a better problem solver.

Whats your opinion on Kids should be able to play video games?

Should Schools Ban Junk Food?

 Should schools ban junkfood? 

My answer is no. Wouldn't you love to open your lunchbox and see a delicious burger and tasty chips waiting for you. I think junk food should be allowed in schools since every individual has the freedom and fundamental right to choose what they eat. Junk food is a common treat in your lunchbox, what if you have done something well and deserve a treat. If junk food was banned there would be less of a option of rewards. This is beneficial for those students who cannot afford expensive food. If you are against this then put a limit on the junk food kids are allowed to bring to school, like 1-2 treats a day. Junk foods are commonly known for their negative effects, but there are also many good benefits. For example ice cream provides calcium.  Whats your opinion on junk food in school?

Thursday, August 12, 2021

House of Bricks

 Kia ora! Today I will be showing you my work. Last week on Friday the year 7/8 and the year 5/6's  were so lucky to have the House of Bricks at our school.  We went through three rotations. The first rotation was where we had to start a build then pass it to the person next to us and it would go on like that. It was frustrating because at the end your build didn't turn out like you thought it would. The next activity was where we had to build a car with a partner then see who's car could go the furthest going down a ramp. After that we had to build the tallest tower, my group almost won but our build fell at the last second. For the last activity we had to make patterns on a lego base. Then we got to spin them. Whats your favourite thing to build with lego? 

My favourite Lego activity was tower building because it was challenging because it was hard to build a tower when everybody is getting stressed and we should have calmed down more.

My least favourite Lego activity was the one where you had to pass round your creation every five minute’s because it was frustrating to see your creation at the end and not what you imagined.

The activity that tested my perseverance the most was car building because you had to test and keep going back and changing your car to go farther.

The most challenging activity was the mozaic because it was hard to copy a piece of paper and put it on your own piece of lego base.

I enjoyed working collaboratively with others because it tested my ability of teamwork.


Friday, August 6, 2021


 Kia ora! Today I will be showing you my writing, in writing this week we have been writing a story called umbrella. We watched an animated video then wrote down some of the story. My favourite part about this create was that we brainstormed each sentence before we wrote it. This create was really fun to make hope you enjoy!

Can you find the simile that I wrote?


Early in the morning just before darkness fell, the gateway to Miss Elem’s Home For Children opened wide. The girl with the bright, sunflower yellow umbrella, angrily entered the orphanage before finding a home for her soaking wet, yellow umbrella. Not wanting to be seen Boris snapped his head around the door frame so that he was hidden from view. Standing off to the side the girl observed the glorious scene while the children dug in the box for her loved treasures. The girl brightened up while she watched the young boy speeding around the room like a rocket. Her smile quickly vanished as she looked back at the umbrella stand and all she saw were little cold wet puddles. Her treasured, precious umbrella had been stolen!

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Birthday Statistical Investigation

Kia ora! Today I would like to show you my maths. We started of collecting our data by standing when our birth month got called out. Next we took the data and made graphs on a google sheets. After making the graphs we put them on a google drawing to finish. This was a really fun project to make because its fun working with something different. 

Have you ever used a graph if so what for?

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Town Trip Recount

On Thursday I went to Margaret Mahy with my hub at 9:30 AM. Once we got there everybody split off into their teams. First my team went to look at the mats. The mats were designed by professionals. They had Moari patterns on them telling a story. Next my group went to feed the tuna. Sadly, I didnt get into one of the first groups so I had to go at the end of all the activities. The people that weren`t feeding the tuna were either playing on the flying fox or going down the big slide. After a bit of playing everybody in Kohia got rounded up and we all got ready to go on the waka. After a while of practicing the movements and commands we got on to the waka. The waka was really fun. I saw some tuna and had a great time. Except for when my arms were hurting. Secondly, after a while of riding on the waka we got off and headed to Victoria Park. At Victoria Park Mrs Brown showed us the statues then all the students went to look around the park. I walked around with Alex. First we went to look at the telephone box then we looked a little closer at the statues. After a while Mrs Brown let us sit down to have our lunch. After eating our yummy snacks we went to the pou and tried to draw it. I think I did pretty well drawing it but my drawing wasn´t the best. Finally after trying to trace the pou my group headed back to look at stuff in Maragarat Mahy Park with Mrs Carney. Mrs Carney told us there were stories around the park by Margarat Mahy. After looking at the stories Mrs Carney gave us a little piece of paper and we all got into groups to go on a treasure hunt. My group found a couple of things but sadly we didn`t find all of them because Mrs Carney called us back in. Then she showed us where everything was. She gave us all a piece of paper and we grabbed some crayons. So we could put our paper on designs in the ground and rub our crayons over our paper to make cool pictures. Quickly after we were finished I sped over to feed the tuna with all the other people that missed out at the start. After that all the groups got rounded up and we all went to say thank you. After saying thank you and singing a song we started getting on the bus and left. My favourite part of the trip was going on the waka because it was really cool to just look in the water and see tuna swimming around. Also, I loved singing songs on the waka. Something I learnt was that female tuna are bigger than male tuna. Also that tuna only find out their gender at the age of ten. The thing I found the most interesting was that all the mats were different. This trip has helped me with my PBL because it helped me with understanding more about my turangawaewae. Also that It's given me some Ideas that I can say in my final create for PBL. In the middle of the school I could put stones with the names of each tree under each native tree.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Marvellous Matariki Poem

Kia ora! Today I will be showing you my matariki poem. In reading this week we were told to make a poem on Matariki. I chose to do an acrostic poem because they are really fun to make. Can you tell me another type of poem and explain what it is? Hope you enjoy!

Friday, June 25, 2021

Marvellous Maths

Kia ora! Today I will be telling you about my Maths create. In maths this week our goal was to use a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with whole numbers. My favourite thing about making this create task was that it was challenging but I pulled through to to the end. What was your favourite slide? Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

My Whakatouku

Kia ora! Today I am going to be showing you my whakatouku. Mostly each week the teachers give us a saying in moari and we need to say what it means. This weeks whakatouku was: Tukua kia tū takitahi ngā whetū o te rangi - Let each star in the sky shine in its own light. This was a relly fun create to make because I like learning abot maori because it is a native language and culture to New Zealand. Hope you enjoy!


Kia ora! Today I am going to be showing you my maths from this week. In maths this week we were told to create a google drawing showing our knowloge of our learning goal. Our goal was: use a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with whole numbers. I really liked making this create because I love doing maths.Hope you enjoy! What did you learn from my create?

Friday, June 11, 2021

Marvellous Maths

Kia ora! Today I am going to beb showing you my maths. In maths this week we have been learning about using mutplication and division stratigies to find fractions of whole numbers. This create was really fun to make because I love doing maths. Can you tell me what 3/5 of 25 is? Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Pick a Path

Kia ora! Today I am going to be showing you my maths. In maths this week everybody in my hub was told to create a pick a path. I really enjoyed making this create beacause I love maths, also because it was challenging because I kepped mucking up but I pushed through to the end. Hope you enjoy! How many questions did you get right and how many questions did you get wrong?

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Marvellous Ratios

Kia ora! Today I am going to be showing you my math. In maths this week we have been learning about ratios. I really loved making this create because I love doing maths. Can you answer this ratio its a trick one. I have 17 apples and 27 lollies what is the ratio from 17 oranges to 27 lollies? Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

My Bullying Free Hand Poster

Kia ora! Today I am gone to be showing you my hand poster. For this create we have been told to insert a hand into a google drawing then put somethings that you could do if someone is getting bullied. Could you tell me something to put on my hand? This create was really fun to make hope you enjoy!

Magnificent Te Reo

Kia ora! Today I am going to be showing you my Te Reo. In Te Reo this week we have been making a create around a Whakatouki. We had to make a google drawing on two Whakatouki. Then say what they both mean. This create was really fun to make because I love learing about te reo because it is a native langauge to New Zealand. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Love Poster

Kia ora! This week for RE we have been told to make a love poster. On our love poster we have been told to put a bunch of ideas that would show love. I have put a bunch of ideas. Can you give me an idea to put on my love poster? This create was really fun to make hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Te Reo

Kia ora! In te reo this week we have been given two sayings and we had to say what they mean to us. I loved making this create because I love learning about te reo because it is a native language in our country. Can you tell me waht he waka eke noa means? Hope you enjoy!

Friday, May 7, 2021

Anzac Day Comic

Kia ora! Today I am going to be showing you my ANZAC day comic. This create was very fun to make. It was really fun beacuse I love making comics. We had to make this comic on a story called Harry´s war. The Harry´s war story is about a guy who is in a war he wins the war but he dosn´t dont know if he should be happy or sad. Becaused they have no way of getting home. Do you think Harry´s war is a fiction or a non-fiction? Hope you Enjoy!

Thursday, May 6, 2021

My wonderous vine

Kia ora! For RE this week I have created a google drawing with a vine on it. On the vine I have put grapes. Each grape represents a good thing that you should do. I had a really fun time creating this create, it was challenging at first but it became easier the more I addded. Could you tell me something to add on to my vine? Hope you ejoy!

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Learning about Native Tree´s

Hello! Today I am going to be showing you my reading from this week. This week in reading my group was told to create a slideshow oor a google drawing about plants. IN ourf hub we have three groups. Kohia, Korokio, Rātā, and Mānia. Each group is named after a native plant from New Zealand. This create task was really fun to make. Hope you enjoy! Can you tell me a fact about Kohia?

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Marvelous Maths

Kia ora! Today I am going to be showing you my maths create on Place value multiplication, doubling and halving, place value division, compensation division, and compensation multiplication. My Goal was to use a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with whole numbers. It was pretty challenging to make this create task because I had to do a bunch of strategy´s with an explanation on each. I really enjoyed making this create hope you enjoy! 

Can you use one of these strategy´s to solve a problem?

Friday, March 26, 2021


Hello! Today I am going to be showing you my RE. For RE this week we had to write slides on caritas. WE had to have a slide for each of these do, find, pray, give, live, and create. I did mine pretty fast so I did an extra slide. Goal: - The theme for Lent 2021 is A New Way Forward. In our ever changing world we must find a way to work together to transform our world into one that promotes love, hope and justice for all. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Magnificent Math.

Hello! Today I am going to be showing you my maths for this week. My goal was to be able to use a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with whole numbers. My teacher told my group to pretend that someone had missed all there workshops and we had to show them how to solve questions using compensating and place value. I have two screen castify´s I would like to show you. Hope you enjoy!

Please watch my screen castify              Screen castify number two

Friday, March 19, 2021

Rounding and compensating can you figure this out?

Kia ora! Today I am going to be showing you what I have learnt in my maths. In maths this week we have been learning about Rounding and Compensating. It was pretty challenging to figure out this strategy because I basically did it backwards but after a day or two I got use to it and now i´m on a roll.  My goal was to be able to use a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with whole numbers. Multiplication using rounding and compensating. Can you use Rounding and compensating to figure out this  question? 48x4=

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Māori T1W7

Kia Ora! Hope you are doing well. I would like to show you about my te reo this week. In te reo we were told to make one picture of each of our family members and put them all on a doc. Next we were told to name our whole family in Māori. Hope you enjoy! Please give me some feed back about how I did so I can improve next time. 


Friday, March 12, 2021

Maths T1W6

 Kia ora! Hope you have been having a good day. Today I would like to show you my work from this week. I have two things to show you today which are a maths board and a google drawing about rounding and compensating. My goal was to be able to use a broad range of strategies. Here is my work please give me some feedback so I can do better next time hope you enjoy! Try use my strategy to answer this question 84+32?

Friday, March 5, 2021

How To Make A Good Blog Post Or Comment

Kia ora this week in reading and writing we had to make a slideshow or poster about how to make a quality blog post or comment.My Goal was to try spell all the words right without my cromebook correcting them. This blog post was challenging but I finally finished it. My favourite thing about this blog post was that I could always come back to it to get some tips. Here is my work tell my what you thought about it. Hope you enjoy!

Friday, February 26, 2021

Te Reo Māori

 Kia ora 

Today I am going to be showing you what I have learnt in Te Reo Māori this week. We have been learning about trying to include Māori words in our everyday conversations. Here is my work.

Do you no the name of your hometown