In reading this week we have read a book that is about two people. One of them spends all there time collecting water and the other one goes to school. Hope you like this pad-let we have made enjoy.
Kia ora, I am a student at St Francis of Assisi School, Welcome - Haere Mai. I am in Year 4 and my teacher is Miss Lover. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note my work may include spelling or other errors because some of it will be my first drafts. I would like to get your feedback - comments, thoughts, questions and ideas to help me Learn Create Share.
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Thursday, November 5, 2020
I have came up with some music on crome music lab at the start it has a good beat then the music get a bit darker then you will come to a bit when it goes on a really high note hope you enjoy.
My Family
Hello in this post I will be telling you about myself.
I have one Dad One Mum and one Brother also a sister. I don't usually play with my brother much but when I do I usually get hurt. My sister plays with me a bit but not to much. I do dancing so does my sister but the biggest thing in my family is hockey. My hole family plays hockey its like a family tradition. My brother has played hockey for Canterbury my Dad has to. Me and my sister have been in big dance shows, she has been In sound and music and I have been in Hansel and Gretal and coming up I am gone to be in sleeping beauty. The shows I have been in have been made by RNZB which stands for Royal New Zealand Belay. My brother use to play the drums but then he quit. My mum used to do dancing when she was little but now she has grown up to be the best mum in the world. She tidies up the back yard and does all the cleaning and even picks up other peoples clothes. You are probably thinking I should pick up my own clothes I do its just that everyone makes mistakes. My family plays hockey for a club called marist, The marist prems won there tournament for the 2 year in a row, The marist prems are the best team in marist and could beat any other team in marist. Before me and my siblings were born my mum and dad were in the army. My mum was a medic and my dad drove tanks, my mum and dad met in the army and they have been together ever since. I am the youngest of my sibling but I kind of like it because when Im older like in the 40s I can show of about being younger then them. But for now they get to show of about being older.
Thanks for reading about my family (: <''>
Friday, October 30, 2020
What do do if people are being mean to you online
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Factors of 48
Hello hope you have been having a good day I would like to show you what I have been doing in maths this week. In maths this week I have been learning about factors, I have done a screencastify about factors of 48 this is my video hope you enjoy :)
Friday, August 28, 2020
God's Creation
We have been learning about God's Creation and that it is holy because God made it. I can look after God's creation by:
Stop cutting down trees because they give us air and keep us alive.
Not polluting because sea animals are mistaking it for food and that is killing them.
Using less plastic because it can blow into the sea and sea animals are mistaking it for food and that is killing them.

Thursday, August 27, 2020
In reading this week we made music to go with a story you will notice that the start is more down beat and the end is more upbeat
Friday, August 21, 2020
What I have been learning?
Hello today I am going to be showing to you about what I have been learning in writing.
We have been writing about biography's. My biography is on Michael Jordan a famous basketball player. Michael Jordan is retired now but he still is one of the best player in basketball history. Jordan has five children from two marriages. As a member of the NBA Michael Jordan was awarded the NBA's most valuable Player a total of five times. Michael Jordan's Father was shot in 1993 by two robbers and he died.💔
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Nelson Mandela and Princess Diana
Nelson Mandela
.He went to prison for 27 years because he planned to bomb certain building but with no people inside
.Nelson was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999
.Nelson Mandela became a leader in the African National Congress (ANC).
Princess Diana
.When Diana turned 18 she moved into an apartment with three of her friends. She didn't need money because her father paid for all of her expenses.
.Diana's parents were married at Westminster Abbey. The queen attended their wedding.
.He had six children and twenty grandchildren.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Positive and Bad comments
In cyber smart we have been learning about positive and bad comments
Thursday, August 13, 2020
What is your favourite sport?
This week it is maths week and i have made a chart on what is your favourite sport .